About WWG

We are writers of all genres and experience continually learning from each other as we grow as writers. We have members who are just beginning their writing journeys, and members who are actively pursuing publication…. and everyone in between! Our tools range from notebooks, to laptops, to cocktail napkins, to our ability to tell a story from memory.

WWG MISSION: To offer an open and encouraging environment in which to share, read, discuss and celebrate our work.

WWG VALUES: We are serious about our work but don’t take ourselves too seriously. We’re respectful, curious, supportive and – most of all – have fun with our writing. 

We began meeting in 2014, and each year we have steadily increased in numbers. We always welcome new members no matter where you are in your writing.

As we’ve expanded as a group and members have expressed a variety of interests and directions for taking their writing, we have attempted to provide spaces for all to flourish, no matter their level of interest in their craft. Currently, we do this in the form of monthly write-and-share meetings, biweekly Critique Sessions, and special events/write-ins throughout the year.

  1. Monthly Meetings. Occur on the first Saturday of the month. Our primary location for these meetings historically has been at the Waconia Library; however, in 2020 we adapted to host virtual meetings, and in Spring/Summer 2021 we moved our meetings outdoors to City Square Park in downtown Waconia. These larger group meetings usually last an hour, sometimes more when we’re on a roll. We read what we’re working on and the group gives encouraging praise and sometimes gentle suggestions. If you prefer not to read something every time that’s okay. To provide inspiration to kickstart the writing process each month, we’ve been using writing prompts with great results. We’re always amazed at how our writing styles differ and how differently we interpret the prompts. This really gets our creative juices flowing.
  2. Critique Sessions. A relatively new meeting, formed in response to several members wanting to delve a little deeper into their craft and who were seeking feedback from their peers. Currently we meet virtually (via Zoom) every other Wednesday. **Please note: this scheduled has been adjusted slightly for the summer months, due to people’s busy schedules.** How we plan to use our time during each Critique Session:
        • We kick off with a free-write, 10 or 20 minutes 
        • We use the rest of our meeting for critique and feedback!
          • Participants should bring a piece to this meeting they are currently working on and would like feedback on.
          • We have created a shared Google Drive folder to store our pieces for review and critique. If you would like to participate, contact Jen for access to this folder. We try to have pieces uploaded at least a few days in advance of the next session, to allow for comments and feedback prior to the meeting.
          • We take turns reading our pieces and open the floor for critique.
          • We agree on a time limit per member for reading and feedback.
          • We also follow our unanimously agreed-upon “Critique Code” to make sure people feel comfortable and are on the same page with the critique process.
  3. Write-Ins. These events occur sporadically throughout the year and often coincide with larger writing events. As an example, WWG write-ins have been historically scheduled during the month of November, to coincide with National Novel Writing Month. These special writing events will always be posted on the WWG Events page.

In the winter of 2020, we put the finishing touches on our first-ever anthology and published!  View from the Shore is a collection of stories, poems and the writing prompts that have inspired us over the years.

Contact us at: waconiawriters@gmail.com